When we build your website we ensure that it is optimally absorbed (SEO). By the search engine There are also other ways to enhance the results of your website.
Unfortunately, we frequently come from companies that promise that you get your site on number one if you are prepared to pay big. Our advice here is ... if it sounds too good, it is not true!
For an even wider area, we can launch an advertising campaign on Google for you (SEA). These are the ads that you see in the Google search results. Above and right It works as a kind of auction, whom the highest bid for a keyword is placed. We agree in advance a fixed amount off (from € 100) and keep the bids in order to achieve as possible. Return At the end of the month, you will receive a report with the results.
Sending a newsletter by email is effective and much cheaper than a paper mailing. You create a simple via our newsletter management system, here you can also see how often is clicked in the mail and you can manage your members here.
Not every social network is right for your business. Twitter can be used as customer service, while actions do better on Facebook. Additionally, you can think of Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn, and set up your Google+ business page.